Wednesday - May 8th, 2024

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Cooking Thyme With Tristan: Thai Yellow Chicken Curry

Still not interested in going out to eat?

I totally get it!

This dish will make you feel like you hit your favorite Thai place without leaving the comfort and safety of your own home!



  • 1 pound of chicken tenderloins
  • 1 handful of cilantro
  • Some banging yellow curry rub (We found ours at a Farmer’s Market in Williams Bay but you could most certainly make your own!)
  • 1 can coconut cream
  • 1 yellow onion
  • olive oil
  • rice
  • salt and pepper to taste

*Important to note: You really have to shoot from the hip with some of these quantities. You do you!


  1. Chop onions and sautée with olive oil, salt and pepper.
  2. Cut and cook chicken for 5 minutes.
  3. Combine chicken, onions, a generous amount of curry rub and coconut cream.
  4. Let the mix marry each other for 20 minutes.
  5. Cook that rice, baby!
  6. Plate it … and be sure to add some cilantro on for the look AND the taste!
  7. Serve hot and enjoy!

We really worked something awesome with this one!

I would add some red pepper flakes in to spice it up but other than that… get ready for your taste buds to be ever so thankful for stumbling upon this recipe!


Until next time…

Tristan Layne Tapscott has been dubbed the “Quad Cities’ P.T. Barnum” and although the person who initially said it meant it as an insult, he happily accepts the title.
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